Grief Forest Bathing Walk: A Journey through Leaves and Loss

Grief Forest Bathing Walk: A Journey through Leaves and Loss


September 22, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


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Event Type

Embrace Nature’s Cycles to Find Healing and Renewal

Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

Location: Schweitzer Grove Nature Area, Carmichael California

Cost: Donation Based


Join us for a Grief Forest Bathing Walk, a time to embrace both the beauty of nature and the complexity of grief. As the seasons change and leaves fall, we invite you to explore the natural cycle of life and loss at Schweitzter Grove’s serene forest. This event is an opportunity to reflect on personal losses, find solace and connect with nature’s ability to heal.

Why Leaves?

Leaves in their transition from vibrant green to shades of gold and brown, symbolize the natural rhythms of life. Just as leaves let go of the tree to nourish the earth, we too can honor our losses and release them into the universe. Our walk will use leaves as metaphors for the cycles of grief, growth, and transformation.

Benefits of Forest Bathing:

Forest Bathing, or Shinrin Yoku, is as practice rooted in Japanese tradition that invites participants to immerse themselves in nature, engaging all five senses. Some of the scientifically-backed benefits of Forest Bathing include:

  • Reduced Stress: The calming atmosphere of the forest lowers cortisol levels, easing the physical impact of stress.
  • Enhanced Mood: Time in nature can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, fostering a sense of peace and well-being.
  • Improved Focus and Clarity: The quietude of the forest allows the mind to rest, encouraging clarity of thought.
  • Stronger Immune System: Exposure to natural environments can boost your body’s immunity through the inhalation of phytoncides -essential oils released by trees.

How Forest Bathing Supports Grief: 

Grief is a profound emotional experience, often leaving us feeling disconnected or overwhelmed. Forest Bathing provides a gentle, nurturing space to:

  • Slow Down: In the peaceful environment of the forest, you can take the time to truly process your emotions, without the rush of daily life.
  • Connect with Nature: Observing the cycles of nature mirrors the cycle of life and death, offering perspective and comfort in the face of loss.
  • Embrace Stillness: The forest encourages a meditative state, allowing for emotional release and introspection.
  • Be Present in Your Grief: In this space you are invited to be with your feelings of loss, without needing to “fix” or “move on” prematurely.

What to Expect

This walk will include moments of silence, reflections, and guidance as we explore the symbolic power of leaves and the forest as a whole. We will engage with nature in a meaningful way, allowing the forest to hold our grief and offering us a space for healing.

How to Participate

To participate you will register through the website. This walk is open to anyone experiencing grief – whether it’s due to a loss of a loved one, a significant life transition, or even a sense of personal change. All donations are appreciated which may be made through Venmo or Cash, but participation is open to all, regardless of the ability to donate. 

Find peace and healing in the gentle embrace of nature. Let the leaves guide you through the natural process of grief, and allow yourself the space to honor your journey.

Meet Your Guide: Monica Mendoza

Monica Mendoza is a certified Forest Therapy Guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, and holds certifications in Grief Counseling and is an Emotions Coach using Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Her deep connection with nature guides her through life’s transitions, as she encourages others to embrace each season fully. Her compassionate approach to grief and healing makes her an empathetic and grounded guide for those seeking solace in nature.

With Monica, you’ll find not only a knowledgeable guide but someone who truly understands the power of processing grief within the beauty and calm of the natural world.

*Registration Closes: Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 11:45PM.



Embrace Nature's Cycles to Find Healing and Renewal. A Grief Forest Bathing Walk, a time to embrace both the beauty of nature and the complexity of grief.

Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Grief Forest Bathing Walk: A Journey through Leaves and Loss
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